Goedbont is a statement piece, it shows my vision about mass production within fashion. I grew up in an environment with mink farms. In 2024 mink farms will be forbidden in The Netherlands, the media has always had a negative view on the fur industry. I want to change the perspective of the media and therefore, the public even though I know I can’t save the fur industry in The Netherlands anymore. I want to show people that the use of fur can be good and sustainable.
Fur is sustainable because it goes from generation to generation. I will show this with my gender-neutral scarf which is easy to pass on for several generations because men and woman can wear it. The scarf is made from pieces of rest fur, these pieces can come from companies who produce fur products such as jackets. Normally they would throw these pieces away because they’re very small and have weird forms. I have hand-sewed the pieces together to make a scarf.